Coventry City Mission assistance for low income

Coventry City Mission provides assistance to families on a low income and the homeless, with the priority given to the…

10 years ago

Utility Warehouse help for paying gas and electric bills

Utility Warehouse will try to guarantee customers save money on their energy bills if they use their services, however the fuel…

10 years ago

British Gas expects £100 drop in annual dual fuel bill

Residential customers of British Gas got some good news from a recent news release. The energy giant expects the trend…

10 years ago

Rochdale grants from the Discretionary Crisis Fund

The Rochdale council provides various forms of assistance to residents on a low income that are facing a hardship. One…

10 years ago

Free food banks Leeds and West Yorkshire | Get free food in Leeds and West Yorkshire

The city of Leeds has a number of food banks that families and individuals can turn to. Thousands of struggling…

10 years ago

Basildon Community Resource Centre for low income families

Basic needs as well as advice from the Basildon Community Resource Centre can help the homeless and low income. The…

10 years ago

Free bond for rent deposit in Carmarthenshire is Smart Move

Residents of Carmarthenshire may have access to a bond scheme when savings are not enough to pay rent deposit required…

10 years ago

Carmarthenshire emergency rent assistance

Carmarthenshire residents can get a bit of help if they are facing a financial emergency that threatens to end their…

10 years ago

Hart District Council scheme for rent deposits

People on a low income or the homeless in Hart District can receive up to £1600 in financial assistance for…

10 years ago

Food thrown away while people are in poverty

The demand for food assistance across the UK is skyrocketing. The national Trussell Trust charity organisation has had over a…

10 years ago