Residents in the town of Northampton seeking to establish a tenant agreement as well as landlords in the borough can both benefit from the council’s Deposit Bond Scheme. Many families or individuals on a low…
East Northants Community Services has several ministries and churches in their network which provides services across the Northamptonshire region. Several different programmes are run for families in poverty, and the aim of the charity is…
There are several programmes run by Accommodation Concern, ranging from free advice and they offer help in dealing with rent and debt arrears from the Laura Project. The charity operates in several boroughs in Northamptonshire. Services…
The council in Kettering partners with landlords of private housing as well as prospective tenants on a number of housing assistance programmes. The primary scheme for assisting with a deposit is available as part of…
Both low income as well as homeless residents of Northamptonshire may be able to receive help with rent in advance or deposit expenses for private sector properties. Most of the councils have housing option teams…