The Luton Salvation Army centre helps the vulnerable in the community. Some of what they offer, such as advice, can direct the family to a programme for their needs. Some of the Bedfordshire families that…
Residents of the Bedford Borough that are in priority need of housing can get various forms of assistance from the council, including a guarantee to help pay the deposit. The council will partner with the…
The homeless, and people threatened by it, can get help from the Aylesbury Homeless Action Group. The charity partners with churches and local volunteers in an effort to help the vulnerable in the area. They…
Services from NOAH are available at the Welfare Centre. This is where people can drop in at for assistance. Every week, hundreds of individuals receive a free meal along with support for their long term…
Residents of Luton can turn to the council for assistance from the crisis support scheme. This is a welfare programme that can be applied to when facing a one-time emergency and when there are no…
Residents that are facing a crisis in Central Bedfordshire can apply for financial help from the welfare scheme. With the central government ending some of their benefit programmes such as Crisis Loans, they instead provided…
Depending on funding, residents of Bedford Borough that are vulnerable or facing an emergency can get help from the Local Welfare Provision. The aim of the funds or grants is to help those individuals that…
While there are several free food banks as well as distribution points in Bedfordshire, most of the aid is provided by two main not-for-profit organisations. They include the Trussell Trust and its several partners as…
The homeless, low income, or families in a temporary accommodation or hostel may all be able to get help with a rent deposit. The council is providing assistance to residents that are threatened with homelessness…
Individuals that are struggling with housing or that are homeless can receive assistance from the specialists and services available at the Prebend Day Centre, which is a drop in service run by Bedford Concern for…