Residents that need to resettle to a more affordable home, or that are currently homeless, can get help with their rent in advance or deposits from either charities or councils in Bedfordshire. The criteria in…
Residents in need of affordable housing, whether homeless or not, can get help from Lets Rent, which is a scheme provided by the Central Bedfordshire Council. The housing agency at the council partners with landlords, charities, or…
Help is provided for rental deposits to individuals on a low income and the homeless in Essex. People with a local connection can get assistance from schemes provided by councils or charities, and the organisations…
One regional credit union has made renting a new home possible for tenants who cannot come up with advance rent for the first four to six weeks. Eastern Savings and Loans makes interest-free loans to…
People from the Cambridgeshire can get assistance from Peterborough Streets for moving into a new property. The charity has been helping the homeless and individuals on a low income for many years, and was formerly…
There are a few organisations that individuals on a low income can contact for deposit help. The Hertfordshire area agencies use private donations and government funds in an effort to help the homeless or families…
Assistance from organisations such as the St Albans Council as well as the YMCA and others help individuals on a low income with their housing needs. Families and individuals can benefit from services including a…
Many organisations administer schemes for low income families in Cambridgeshire. There is financial aid or a bond guarantee for paying a deposit, some resources may help with rent in advance, and advice and counseling is…
There are several schemes in the Ipswich area that can help vulnerable individuals and families. The focus on many of the private and government programmes is for the homeless and people that are most struggling….
Customers of Anglian Water who have experienced a recent financial setback may find that their utility service depends on keeping up with payments. Failure to make that payment will not cause disconnection of water service,…