Hackney borough residents with an eviction notice or that are homeless can get help paying a rent deposit for private sector housing. There are a combination of loans, bonds that need to be repaid, as…
The Dunloe Centre is a resource for people that are homeless or living in poverty. The centre is only open a few days per week. When possible, those who are eligible for help from the…
Struggling residents in the Hackney borough or those facing an emergency can get help from the discretionary crisis support scheme. This is a central government funded programme, but locally run service, that can assist with…
Hackney residents who are unable to pay their rent on-time may need to consider turning to council for help. There is assistance available to meet the rent requirement when a tenant is in danger of…
Hackney Council has a plan for helping tenants who have difficulty saving the funds necessary to move into a new rental unit. It actually involves utilising a couple of different approaches to assisting with this…