Caritas of Salford is a local charity that provides many services in greater Manchester. Some of the programmes that are involved with are for low income residents. Eligible families may receive assistance with food, help…
Short term assistance for the rent deposit may be provided by the Wirral Council. The aim is to help families or individuals that do not have the funds for this expense, and the housing team…
There are several main services offered by Barnabus for low income families with a connection to Manchester. The charity and its staff, as well as volunteers, provide basic needs and household items from the Beacon…
Clients of the not-for-profit SHAP include people facing poverty and those that are struggling. The focus is on preventing homelessness and helping individuals receive the support then need. Everything from short term housing to resettlement…
The Rochdale council provides various forms of assistance to residents on a low income that are facing a hardship. One of the solutions, the Discretionary Crisis Fund, can provide awards for different household expenses, and…
Dozens of churches in Cumbria provide food the to vulnerable and needy. Each location will have limited hours and items available, but the aim of the charity organisations is to help the low income stay…
The Cumbria County Council created an emergency programme for families and individuals that are facing a crisis and that need financial help. The scheme is Ways to Welfare, and it can provide a number of…
With the reduction in benefits that many Salford residents are faced with, the Discretionary Support Scheme can assist low income families with paying for basic needs or bills. Everything from white goods to free food,…
Emergency rent assistance is provided through a number of agencies that serve the borough of Rochdale. Each agency has specific qualifications that applicants must meet in order to be considered for aid. Many agencies collaborate…
Rochdale Borough Council has offered its Discretionary Crisis Fund as an emergency housing measure when tenants are falling behind on rent. While Council prefers for residents to undergo budget advice first, the crisis fund serves to avert…