Malvern Hills residents who are on benefits, Universal Credit, or a low income can get financial help for paying bills or other aid from the Discretionary Welfare Assistance Scheme. Some of the assistance in crisis…
The Salvation Army, Christian church charity in Warwickshire runs the Way Ahead Project. This is a homeless prevention scheme that is open at a drop in centre. It provides assistance in the form of free…
Families local to Tamworth, that have shown the ability to pay future rent on their own housing, can get assistance from a bond scheme. The council created scheme is aimed at assisting a resident with…
Families that are local to the North Warwickshire borough can get help from the council as well as charity organisations that partner with the government. Most of the assistance is part of the local welfare…
Landlords in the private rented sector in Walsall as well as prospective tenants can get deposit help from a scheme created by the council. The local government officials provide assistance to families in poverty, older…
Low interest rate personal loans are available from Midlands Community Finance (MCF) and their Start Up as well as individual borrower scheme. The credit union offers the financing in partnership with the government councils in…
Housing schemes are provided by the Churches Housing Coalition. There are more than 10 churches in Staffordshire that provide financial assistance or short term accommodations. The schemes that are available can help pay a damage…
Short term vouchers from the Birmingham City Council can be used to help pay up to £49 in energy bill arrears. The city partners with a local fuel charity to provide this form of assistance….
Families local to Wolverhampton can apply for one of two different loan programmes. The money available, which can be as much as £400, is used to pay for living expenses. Any assistance is aimed at…
There are a few faith based groups that partner together as part of the Churches Together organisation. The volunteers from them, as well as other charities that are local to Shropshire County, provide support in…