Payday loans can be an option to pay bills when in a crisis, but families should look into alternatives first. There are several ways to get cash in an emergency from other lenders, and the…
There are dozens of Salvation Army family centres across the UK which collect donated items as part of the Christmas Appeal scheme. There is a need for unwrapped gifts for the less fortunate. Everything from…
The Salvation Army operates from dozens of churches in the UK, many of which are listed below. The faith based, Christian Charity provides many social services to people living in poverty as well as the…
A free Travel Discount Card can be given to anyone that is on a low income and that needs help getting to an interview. There is also assistance given to someone that is starting a…
Interest free loans are being provided by Starbucks to its partners in an effort to help them pay for housing costs, specifically the rent deposit on a new home or flat. The company is trying…
Family Action helps individuals on a low income get the support they need. There is financial help given from their grant programmes, but much of the assistance provided is for long term stability as part…
People seeking affordable transport for work or training can get help from the Wheels 2 Work scheme. This is available in most cities as well as rural communities in the UK and it was created…
In partnership with the SWF, the City of North Lanarkshire provides financial assistance to families on a low income as well as the vulnerable in the area. The grant based welfare fund is for helping…
Families living in poverty that are local to the area along with people in a crisis can apply for help from the Welfare Fund. There are grants, either Crisis or Community Care, provided to people…
When a family drops in at the Kirkintilloch Baptist Church food bank, they may not only be given a parcel of groceries, but they may also be signposted to the Money and Debt Course. The…