Getting help with taxes can help you focus on living your life instead of fearing the authorities. It can also allow people to free up their hard earned income for other expenses and basic needs. You should be sure that your taxes are paid on time, including council and income, so that you can avoid any legal issues. Some possible assistance programmes to consider are below.
Council taxes are difficult to pay. Many families on a low income, immigrants, pensioners and struggling families have challenges in paying this cost. There are ways to get financial help to pay a council tax arrears. Or to get help with future costs. There are valuations, ways to appeal the tax, and some welfare schemes may assist as well. Read more on how to get help with council tax.
One of the places to turn to for help is HM Revenue and Customs, or HMRC. The organisation provides consumers access to a free Taxes Helpline, and it is available for all UK citizens. You can get free advice and information on making sure that you are compliant with all policies without necessarily having to pay an advisor.
Due mostly to the complexity of various national and local laws, many people turn to this service for assistance. The Taxes Hotline is perfect for answering all basic questions and addressing issues where you need information from a knowledgeable agency representative.
Lower income households throughout the UK may obtain free advice through a charity or not-for profit organisation. They use well trained staff or volunteers to offer this service. Many people turn to this if a tax advisor is unaffordable.
If you need to hire a professional advisor or company, then there are government-approved resources that can be turned to. Several different not-for-profit and government agencies have databases on companies and individuals that provide assistance to consumers. Be sure to try one of these services in order to get help with locating a reputable advisor. There are many companies and groups that provide the tax advice that you need.
By getting assistance with filing or paying taxes through a reputable advisor or professional, you can be sure to avoid additional problems that can result from inaccurate advice. These referral sources ensure that you only speak with a qualified advisor that is specially trained on the various laws and regulations.
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I have a take home pay of 270 pounds a week. My partner takes home 150 a week. I pay 30 pound council tax straightaway a week. My rents 125 a week then theirs my all my other bills and I’m left with a deficit minus I’m in arrears with all my bills.
I was on the sick for 6 months last year with heart attack and the housing benefit didn’t cover rent and got only 5 pound off council tax so partner had to get loan and council said I was getting to much housing benefit before this. Even though I correctly told them the write info so I am thousands in arrears with that with bedroom tax. I am trying to get council house which are half the price what I’m paying to no avail. I’m with Step change and have cut down on spending.
I have got car repairs and insurance to pay I travel 30 mile to work at 4 in the morning to start at 5 .I’m also behind with TV licence. Can I get help anywhere?