London Housing moves scheme
Residents of London can get help in moving to a new borough or part of the city. The Housing Moves scheme is for tenants that live in social or council housing and the aim of the programme is to help families move closer to work, family, care, or college. The London Housing scheme can help people move to a more affordable home or flat if they need it by exchanging their current home.
The scheme is only available to families or individuals with a low income, that may be on government benefits, and that are in social housing. The city will not help anyone in private housing or if they have a mortgage – only tenants can apply. They can also be in a housing association.
Exchange housing
Since the number of flats and homes in London and all the boroughs is so limited, the scheme is all about exchanging properties. It is an innovative solution from the city to help with mobility. It is important to be flexible when using the London Housing moves scheme. Come boroughs will even provide cash grants to encourage a family to move to a more affordable property that has a lower monthly rent and utility bills with it.
All boroughs are available to be moved too. But there needs to be a reason such as for work, college, family, medical reasons, to save money on rent or some other reason. This is not a mobility scheme for quality of life – a tenant can’t just exchange their home for a place that they “like” more then where they currently live. It is great for people with mobility issues, and is also a form of financial help for the disabled.
Indirect financial help is provided from the London Housing moves scheme. What this means is that since two families (or individuals) are exchanging homes, that the rent, damage deposit, and other costs do not need to be paid. This can save families hundreds of pounds if not more. It is a very effective financial assistance scheme. Also some councils will provide cash grants.
Landlords and the local borough councils need to participate and agree to any exchange. There will be a limited number of homes and flats that are eligible based on that. The reason is that the new tenant still need to live in the home – pay the rent, maintain it, keep it damage free, keep the home comfortable, and more. Property owners can approve or decline an exchange if and when needed. The tenancy agreement is assumed by the landlord.
The Greater London Authority overseas the scheme and they partner with local housing associations and councils. They also help sign up landlords and properties across all boroughs. While not every landlord is involved, the number of possible homes to exchange continues to increase.
Applying for Housing moves scheme
It is done online over the internet. Forms need to be completed that list the home that is wanted, the current property to be exchanged, and more information. Landlords and local housing departments can also help with applications.
The process involves bids. Also, each applicant is given priority based on their needs and the bands they are assigned too (of 5). As noted, priority is for that that are in training, working, someone who is under occupying a home, need care, or other factors. There are limits to the number of bids that can be made, the area to live in, and other factors. The housing move scheme is only for those that live in London and the boroughs. Tenants can move to other parts of the city, and the application and bids will address that need.
Tenants applying can’t be in rent arrears. The housing payment needs to be current. Also, the home being bid on needs to be affordable. For more information, and to apply, talk to a housing association, landlord, or the main site is