Worthing Churches Homeless Projects programmes in West Sussex

Several services are run by the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects. The aim of the hundreds of volunteers that work at the charity is to assist the low income with gaining stability, and the assistance they provide is available at the St Clare’s Day Centre. There are meals and food served from the Out Reach Cafe, and workers at the charity can help people resettle or move on to more permanent housing. Other programmes are also run by the West Sussex organisation.

All applicants to Worthing Churches will need to meet with an Outreach Project Worker. This person will work with the individual to create a support plan. It will cover various challenges that may be faced. Solutions available are as follows.

The Day Centre at Cornerstone Methodist Church is where people can get a meal from the Out Reach Cafe. The service is normally provided only a few times per week, including on Monday’s. While the person is meet, or after their meal, they can meet with a social worker to explore solutions to their hardship. This will offer them more information on the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects indicated below.

St Clare’s Day Centre is where free advice is given from. There is information for families on a low income and the homeless in West Sussex. Examples of services range from form filling to welfare benefits to locations of food banks. There are grant programmes for paying bills as well as local emergency welfare schemes that people living in poverty can turn to for help. For details, ring the location at 01903 832925. It is open seven days per week, but only in the morning.

The centre will address personal hygiene, and there will be clothing and practical support given out. The homeless may also benefit from showers, laundry facilities, a hot meal from the cafe, and more information. Other workshops are I.T. Training as well as budgeting information.

Housing accommodations from Worthing Churches Homeless Projects

There are several services available. They will help the homeless locate either social or private housing in West Sussex. Assistance is for tenants threatened with evictions or the currently homeless, and an assessment will be done by the Homelessness Prevention Officer.

A social worker focuses on resettling residents. The aim is to help people securing long term accommodation in the county. If needed, the staff member will assist the client with applying for housing allowances. Or, if the rent deposit is the challenge, then local schemes will be review. The resettlement worker partners with other agencies as well to help the client.

Residents with longer term needs can turn to Cornerstone House. The client will be given a place to live so they can prepare for independent living. The services from the Community Link Team will enroll them into education or help them find a job. The team will also work to resettle the family into a permanent accommodations in the area.

Short term accommodation is also part of the Rupert Bacon House. The agency housing so that the guest can receive support from the key-worker. The Worthing Churches Homeless Projects Community Link Team will also work with the client on employment options. Note, the Rupert House is not available for substance misusers.

Housing for up to 8 months is part of the Worthing Churches Move on Scheme. Those individuals that are struggling to find independent living will be given tips on budgeting. For those that need help in coming up with the rent deposit, then other schemes will be reviewed in West Sussex that can help guarantee the deposit payment to the landlord. The families that take part in the Move One process can also use get a meal from the outreach cafe indicated above.

All of these services are run from the St Clare’s Day Centre. The location is 6-8 Marine Place, Worthing BN11 3DN, or people can call 01903 832925.
